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Watch as MY coach Chris Duncan uses Quantum Techniques to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind of two participants in this LIVE Demonstration of a Superconscious Recode.
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Meet Your Coach
Zameer Kurji
Irvine, CA
During my 12 years in the Music Industry, I learned a LOT about the art of CREATION. Moreover, I was enamored with the Self-Development world... I studied the likes of Tony Robbins, Abraham (Esther) Hicks, Bentinho Massaro, Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, and various other leading-edge professionals in the areas of Spirituality and Personal Transformation.

After going through a life-changing spiritual awakening in 2018, I decided that it was time for me to start teaching what I know, while simultaneously continuing my self-development journey. The truth is, we're never done growing, and in order for me to bring maximum value as a coach, I would need to continue to be coached as well.

This realization lead me to my Mentor Christopher Duncan. Chris had been studying the same work as me (and beyond) for over 20+ years. He was even featured in a documentary alongside the likes of the Dalai Lama, and Tony Robbins. After seeing the video demonstration of Chris performing something he calls "The Superconscious Recode", I KNEW I had to learn this work.

So I did just that. I enrolled in Chris's coaching program and my life changed so rapidly it was as if I had Quantum-Leaped into a new reality. My income increased and continues to increase on a consistent basis. My personal relationships came into alignment with my life-style, and my emotional & mental healthy have never been healthier.

I'd never once in my 12+ years in the Self-Development world, come across work that merges both sciences and makes them accessible to all. THIS is why I KNOW that this work is going to change the world. It's also why I stepped 100% into coaching leaving my public music life on hold (which was no small feat for me from an emotional attachment perspective). Since stepping into coaching I've created an incredible client-base who is passionate about their personal development. It's taught me that NONE of this work is about me. It's about you. The person who's decided they're tired of living in "mediocrity" (or their own definition of such). The person who's tired of learning through trial and error and is ready to bring their visions to life through PROVEN success structures that are universally designed for any goals imaginable. 

The fact is, I receive a ridiculous amount of fulfillment from this Quantum Boost, which is why my priority is spreading this work worldwide and creating lasting change in lives of millions. 
Still Unsure? I'm Not Going To Convince You With Words.
 Watch The Video Below And FEEL It For Yourself...
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